worry comes from lack of knowing

gorilla knows that he doesn't know. he doesn't have confidence on the current path. he's in the fog.

worry is when the mind feels it's not going to get something important. maybe the mind knows in its depths what it really needs, will recognize it when it sees it. it can't name or describe what it is. but it can tell when something is not it.

there's a feeling that drives the gorilla from inside. but he cannot describe what it precisely is and where to get it. so gorilla gets fooled by the city and follows the crowd. and it can then tell that city doesn't know it either. but he can't prove it since he doesn't know what exactly he's looking for. so he worries about not finding something he needs.

don't ignore the mind. give it what it really needs. not what the city says that it needs. fear is in lack of knowing. confidence comes from trust, which comes from understanding.